First Brewing Interview!
Back in August of the worst year in the past half century (that’s 2020 for those of you who missed it), I entered the Maltose Falcon’s “Late Faire” competition. Turns out one of the judges who awarded “Most Belgiany” to Le Crécerelle (saison) not only writes books on home brewing, but runs a pretty successful podcast. He was impressed enough with my beer that he asked if I would sit down for a very socially distant chat so through the magic of the internets, We had a nice talk about this beer. It’s pretty rare that I get the opportunity to chat with a National BJCP judge and even more rare to hear someone with Drew’s credentials wax poetic about my beer. Hopefully this will be as enjoyable to listen to as it was to do. Click on the logo:
PS: The medals for my Late Faire wins arrived last week. Now I have to figure out how to display them …