What’s with the Bird?
When people find out that I have actually spent time creating a brand around a hypothetical brewery, they have questions:
“That’s cute, but why?” – Well, I hope to make this a real brewery and it’s better to go into something like this with a plan.
“Cool, cool, but what’s with the animals on the labels?” – They are all animals that are found in Belgium.
”Okay, why Belgium?” – So, that’s where I spent the bulk of my childhood and the Belgians make the best beer in the world.
”That’s debatable <no, it isn’t>. Anyway, why “Kestrel”? – Well, first and foremost, the Kestrel is the national bird of Belgium. It is also the smallest member of the falcon species but they’ve managed to spread across most of the world. I intend to create a small brewery that makes really good beer so it fits with the brand promise.
“What kind of beer is this again?” …